Jeremy Hughes
Jeremy Hughes was born in Crickhowell, south Wales.
He was awarded first prize in the Poetry Wales competition and his poetry was short-listed for an Eric Gregory Award. He has published two pamphlets - breathing for all my birds (2000) and The Woman Opposite (2004) - and has published poetry, short fiction, memoir and reviews widely in British and American magazines. He studied for the Master's in creative writing at the University of Oxford. His first novel Dovetail was published in 2011.
Contemporary Fiction
In September 1943 an American Flying Fortress returning from a bombing mission crashes in Wales.
A farmer is first on the scene to discover that its crew of ten have all perished. When the police arrive, only nine bodies are recovered. A lifetime later a son goes looking for the father he never knew, climbing steep hillsides into deepening mysteries of time and loss.
Set in America, England and Wales, Wingspan tells two intertwined stories separated by fifty years and a thousand miles of ocean - stories of pursuit and discovery, love and war, bereavement and remembering.
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By the same Author
Psychological Thriller
ISBN: 978-0956012531
A gripping psychological thriller set in Wales.
Tim is emasculated by a gang of bullies at the age of fifteen and devotes his life to revenge. He plans to build a machine which will kill each member of the gang one by one. Each death must be aesthetically beautiful, and so Tim apprentices himself to a brilliant craftsman to acquire the skills he needs. Then he begins to practise the perfect murder. A psychological thriller, set in Spain and south east Wales, on obsession and the far-reaching evils of perfectionism.
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